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Specifications: 100ml×50 bottles

Pesticide registration certificate number: PD20097773

Registration certificate holder: Jiangsu Ruidong Pesticide Co., Ltd

Pesticide name: bifenthrin

Dosage form: Emulsifiable concentrate

Toxicity and its identification:


Moderately toxic

Active ingredient and its content:

bifenthrin 100g/L

Scope of use and method of use:


Prevention and control objects

Dosage (preparation quantity/mu)

Method of application

Apple trees

Peach heartworm

3000-4000 times



Technical requirements for use:
1. This product peach heartworm is applied in the peak of oviposition, and the drug is used to prevent and control when the egg fruit rate reaches 0.5%~1%, and the whole field is evenly sprayed. 2. Do not apply pesticides on windy days or if there is rain within 1 hour.

Product Performance:
This product is pyrethroid Insecticide, the mode of action is contact killing, stomach poison, with the advantages of faster insecticidal effect, strong knockdown power, longer lasting effect, less dosage, etc., used for the prevention and control of apple peach heartworm.

1. The safety interval of this product on apple trees is 10 days, and the crop can be applied up to 3 times per season. 2. Because it is easy to decompose in alkaline medium and soil, it should not be mixed with alkaline substances and used for soil treatment. 3. It is highly toxic to aquatic organisms such as fish and shrimp, bees and silkworms, and should avoid affecting the surrounding bee colonies during the application period. Pesticides are applied away from aquaculture areas; It is forbidden to clean pesticide application equipment in rivers and ponds and other water bodies. 4. Generally, the pesticide is applied in the morning and evening, and the pesticide should not be applied from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.; Attention should be paid to the weather forecast before application, and there should be no rain within 2 hours after application. 5. Pay attention to protection when applying pesticides, such as wearing masks, protective risks, etc. Not accessible to pregnant and lactating women. 6. The residual chemicals and waste packaging materials generated during the application process cannot be discarded at will and should be disposed of uniformly. 7. Used containers should be disposed of properly, not for other purposes, and not discarded at will.

First aid measures for poisoning:
This product is a nerve agent, and the skin feels stinging at the contact site, especially around the mouth and nose, but there is no erythema. When the amount of contact is large, it can cause headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, trembling hands, and in severe cases, generalized convulsions or convulsions, coma, and shock. If it splashes into the eyes, it should be immediately rinsed with plenty of water for 10-15 minutes, and then consult a doctor for treatment; If it splashes on the skin, rinse immediately with plenty of water; If you accidentally ingest, you should immediately induce vomiting, keep calm, and quickly bring this label to the hospital for treatment, medical staff can give the patient gastric lavage, but pay attention to prevent gastric storage from entering the respiratory tract, there is no specific antidote.

Storage and transportation methods:
1. This product is flammable, and should be stored in a cool, ventilated, rainproof, dry place and away from fire and heat sources during storage and transportation. 2. Do not mix with food, feed, and places out of reach of children, and lock. 3. Avoid direct sunlight and rain during transportation. 4. The stacking height of the packages should not be higher than 3.0 meters during transportation, and they should be handled with care during loading and unloading, and should not be dropped or turned upside down.

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